OpManager monitors all the system resources on servers: Windows servers are monitored using SNMP, WMI, or both and Unix servers are monitored using SNMP or...
Search results for: OpManager

Application Dependency Mapping for better alarm management
It has been a while, since i blogged here. It keeps me on my toes to find a suitable title for the blog and my...
Network Traffic Analysis for non-Cisco Environments
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for registering and attending yesterday’s webinar on Network Performance Management using OpManager. One of the questions discussed during...

Tracking Bandwidth and Security Attacks
Network administrators are forever unraveling mysteries on bandwidth hogs. Tools like the NetFlow Plug-in over OpManager and NetFlow Analyzer can help identify which user or...
Network monitoring evaluation – Top avoidable mistakes
Often network monitoring software evaluation is initiated as an additional task for network administrators. In between routine network management tasks and other unscheduled network troubleshooting,...
How to get an integrated view of your network & application performance?
Now that you know the need for an integration between OpManager and Applications Manager, let me detail out how to integrate these 2 applications through...
Averting False Positives
Administrators are a harassed lot with the network issues following them everywhere. The frustration doubles when an guy rushes to a location in the middle...
Defining an Email template in network monitoring systems
Here is an easier way to integrate Email Alerts from any Network Montioring solution, be it HP OpenView, Solarwinds or ManageEngine OpManager (& Applications Manager)...
Make ManageEngine the A. R. Rahman
Folks, We know that you can’t vote for someone in Oscars, Grammy, or Nobel prize, but now you have a chance to vote for ManageEngine....