Fortigate now supports NetFlow export by extending its monitoring capabilities to routers and switches. FortiOS 5.2 comes with several features, such as NetFlow V9 export for network devices like routers, switches, and VDOMs. Fortinet’s NetFlow exports unidirectional network flow records with fields such as IP addresses, packets, byte counts, time stamps, application ports, and input and output interfaces, which NetFlow Analyzer collects for reporting. The GUI configuration will be posted in the next blog.
Configuration of NetFlow export in FortiOS 5.2. in CLI mode
config system netflow
set collector-ip
set collector-port 9996
set source-ip loopback1
set active-flow-timeout 1
set inactive-flow-timeout 15
—where is the IP address of the NetFlow server, and loopback1 is the source interface on which NetFlow packets are exported from.
If it is a VDOM environment, configure the device as follows:
config system vdom–netflow
set vdom–netflow enable
set collector-ip
set collector-port 9996
set source-ip loopback1
—where is the IP address of the NetFlow Analyzer server, and loopback1 is the source interface on which NetFlow packets are exported from.
Ensure that flows exported from the device reach the NetFlow Analyzer server. Then, NetFlow Analyzer will discover the device when the UDP packet reaches the server.
To review the NetFlow configuration, use the following commands in CLI mode:
diagnose test application sflowd 3
diagnose test application sflowd 4
After the configuration is complete, NetFlow data will be exported, and you will start seeing results in the NetFlow Analyzer UI.
I’m having difficulty enabling netflow on a particular interface, see below error:
Test (interface) # edit INT_2_Core0
Test (INT_2_Core0) # set netflow-sampler both
Netflow sampler isn’t supported on this interface!
Test (INT_2_Core0) #
Any ideas as to why this might be occurring?
Any information/guidance would be appreciated
Very helpful info. However, if you can add the steps to sample, would be better. Just a suggestion.
Adding Netflow Sampling to an Interface
Netflow sampling can be enabled on an interface to sample transmitted traffic (tx), received traffic (rx), or both using the CLI:
config system interface
set netflow-sampler {disable | tx | rx | both}