If a network administrator wants  to view the routing between the Autonomous Systems, it would be a time-consuming task to get the values from each router. The accuracy is not guaranteed as well.

Using NetFlow Analyzer you can view the AS name and number using the BGP information exported from the router. This can be obtained using NetFlow Analyzer by implementing the following steps:


  • Enabling BGP
  • Exporting the Information in NetFlow packets
  • Viewing the AS information


Enabling BGP

 To enable the BGP in the router follow the steps mentioned below:

 In the config mode of the router:

 router bgp as-number <Enables the BGP routing process, which places the router in router configuration mode >

network network-number [mask network-mask] [route-map route-map-name] <Flags a network as local to this autonomous system and enters it to the BGP table >

 To configure BGP neighbors:

neighbor {ip-address|peer-group-name} remote-as as-number <Specifies a BGP neighbor >


Sample configuration:

router bgp 109
neighbor remote-as 167
neighbor remote-as 109
neighbor remote-as 99


Exporting the Information in NetFlow packets

 Once you have enabled the BGP in the router you need to export the information in the NetFlow export.

 Enable the command to export the bgp information:

 ip flow-export {version}[peer-as | origin-as]


 ip flow-export version 9 origin-as


Viewing the AS information

 To view the AS information navigate to Device tab in the NetFlow Analyzer, select Autonomous view ? Click on Start AS Collection. This will give you the information of the AS name and the number used with the IN and OUT Speed.



You can drill down to the AS number to view the graph based on Volume speed.



The AS information is displayed based on devices and not based on the interfaces and we will not be able to view the conversation for each AS. AS information collection is resource intensive, especially when configured for origin-AS.

Hope this helps.

Arun Karthik Asokan

NetFlow Analyzer Technical Team

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