Here is a list of 10 things that customers are really happy about NetFlow Analyzer:
1) Extreme ease of downloading & deploying
2) Rich features
3) Best-in-class performance
4) Quick Return of Investment
5) Easy to understand reports
6) Highly customizable
7) A comprehensive bandwidth monitoring solution with many value-adding modules
8) Multi-platform and flow support
9) Saving troubleshooting time
10) Sound & friendly technical support
These are the reasons why customers love NetFlow Analyzer & this is what we inferred from the stories you(customers) tell us. It is these stories that motivate us & enable us offer you as much as we can. On that note, here is our entire team wishing you a very happy thanksgiving. Thank you for your continuous support without which serving you would have been impossible.

Please continue telling us your stories about how useful NetFlow Analyzer was in changing your life as an Administrator. All that you have to do is drop us an email at and we will be glad to hear your story. Here are some that you may want to glance.
Sai Sundhar Padmanabhan