In Network Bandwidth management, ?Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis, Network Security Event Monitoring, and ?Forensic Investigation & Compliance ?are the three main aspects of the enterprise network.

Bandwidth monitoring and traffic analysis gives real time visibility into the enterprise network’s bandwidth usage. It helps you identify top talkers, top applications and top conversations that consume enterprise bandwidth. N etwork administrators can study traffic & user trends and  identify peak usage hours, link utilization metrics using bandwidth monitoring and traffic analysis. With this the network administrator can find the sources of unwanted traffic and eliminate them to improve the efficiency of the enterprise network.?
Network security event monitoring detects network anomalies and safeguards your network. It continuously monitors a network for unusual events or trends and alerts the network administrator on discovering a network anomaly.  Network security event monitoring allows you to understand traffic usage patterns and streamlines the process of investigating network security incidents. Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD) plays an important role in network security event monitoring. It helps identify zero-day worms, malware, acceptable-use policy violations and user misuse. NBAD not only detects but also allows you to either block or apply filter on network traffic from a particular port. This gives the network administrator full visibility and control over enterprise network bandwidth.

Forensic investigation and compliance reports on the network activities. Here network events are captured, recorded,? and analyzed in order to discover the ? source? of security breach. The network events are stored as raw data. The network administrator can use raw data to identify the account or user associated with the security breach. Raw data analysis also helps to set limits to users and avoid any such event in the future. Network Forensics helps you troubleshoot network incidents faster. It gives the ability to drill down into top applications during that time period of network anomaly and identify the conversations responsible and take necessary action. Network forensics is a platform to analyze the root cause of the network traffic quickly and save network bandwidth from deterioration.

These three individual aspects are used by network administrators on many occasions in network bandwidth management. If the “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” holds good, the combined efficiency of these aspects could produce  far better results in network bandwidth management.

NetFlow Analyzer's Unified Approach

Synergy is a wholesome  integration of separate tools which helps in delivering better results than each of those tools separately. NetFlow analyzer instills the value of synergy in unifying the three critical components of network bandwidth management – Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis, Network Security Analytics, and Network ?Forensic. The ability to run all the aforementioned components and monitor the network in a single dashboard helps you get a deeper insight – what, when, why – of your network issues. The unification also brings together an ability to cross-refer the details, such as the ability to see the traffic trend (from the traffic analysis tab), when a particular network attack (from the security analytics tab) happened. This unified traffic analytics gives you the efficient solution to monitor, report and troubleshoot your enterprise network bandwidth issues in an efficient way!

Happy Monitoring!


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