DNS DHCP IP Address Management IPAM

As modern digital landscapes house the most dynamic and growing networks, effective IP address management is crucial for maintaining a well-functioning network. However, many network administrators still rely on spreadsheets to track and manage their growing IP address footprint. This approach is not only time-consuming but also prone to misconfigurations, errors, and inefficiencies. This is where IP address management (IPAM) becomes crucial, offering a more robust and reliable solution. DDI Central, ManageEngine’s comprehensive network management solution, provides a centralized, contextualized, and integrated IPAM for your DNS and DHCP servers.

Get your 30-day, free trial now to explore the full capabilities of DDI Central’s integrated IPAM.

What is IPAM? 

IPAM is an essential solution designed to monitor, track, audit, and manage the IP address footprint within a network. It seamlessly integrates with the other two core services, DHCP and DNS, to ensure that IP addresses are allocated, used, and recycled in an organized and efficient manner.

What can you do with DDI Central’s integrated IPAM?


Why choose DDI Central’s integrated IPAM? 

Here are seven compelling reasons why DDI Central’s integrated IPAM stands out as an essential tool for efficient and effective network management:

Stabilized IP network infrastructure with the DDI triad 

Together, DNS, DHCP, and IPAM form a triad known as DDI. Managing these components separately poses inherent risks and complexities. However, integrating them into a single, managed solution simplifies network management. The DDI triad provides synchronization among these core network services and facilitates triangulation of data from these core services to ensure effective data validation and cohesive network operations.

IPAM as the NSoT 

IPAM is not just about managing IP addresses; it acts as a Network Source of Truth (NSoT). It organizes all the essential data on IP allocations, such as address pools, subnets, host reservations, and shared networks, into a single repository. It also leverages rich metadata associated with leased IPs, such as host names, MAC addresses, hardware data, availability status, DNS records, and DNS query analytics. This comprehensive approach makes the DDI Central IPAM a crucial tool for serving as the NSoT. This comprehensive inventory of DNS, DHCP, host devices, and IP-related information helps organizations break down data silos, ensuring that network data is always consistent, contextualized, accurate, and centrally accessible.

Automated DHCP and DNS tasks  

DDI Central’s IPAM module simplifies various DNS and DHCP tasks, such as managing DNS records and configuring DHCP settings from a single interface. By integrating IPAM with DNS and DHCP,  changes in one system are automatically reflected in the others, reducing the likelihood of mismatches and improving overall network performance. This integration enables network administrators to manage these three critical network services more efficiently, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall network performance.

In a DDI solution like DDI Central, data from all three core network services are not only collected but also correlated and analyzed in one central hub. IPAM serves as the centralized and contextualized NSoT, mapping upstream relationships among the core services. With these three core services in sync, DDI operates as a sophisticated automation hub, making it easy to set up end-to-end automation involving these services. DDI Central’s integrated IPAM automates dynamic DNS record updates along with customized DHCP leases based on device type and vendor profile with DHCP fingerprinting policies. This integrated approach ensures seamless network operations and simplified network management.

Support for mobile IP addresses 

The dynamic nature of IP address assignment, particularly in environments that rely on DHCP, adds to the complexity of tracking IP addresses. When a device like a laptop or smartphone joins a network, it typically requests an IP address from a DHCP server, which assigns addresses dynamically through a process known as DHCP leasing.

However, devices often move between subnets, requiring new IP addresses each time they connect to a different part of the network. DDI Central’s IPAM, a centralized IP management system, keeps track of these changes. Manually, this would be impossible.

Real-time inventory visualizations and monitoring  

With thousands of devices on your network, keeping track of each IP address can quickly become overwhelming. DDI Central’s IPAM provides network administrators with a real-time visualizations into the inventory of each active subnet and VLAN, provide finer visibility into and free unassigned IP addresses, including details like subnets, status, hostname, and associated hardware. This is especially crucial in large enterprise networks where DHCP dynamically assigns IP addresses to devices.  

Dual stack IP address support 

DDI Central’s IPAM supports both IPv4 and IPv6, catering to the needs of evolving network environments. It provides a separate view and detailed insights into the subnet usage, the leases in each subnet along with the lease history of every IP under the subnet, the status of IP addresses, and the assignment of reserved IP addresses to critical static network devices under each stack. These insights help administrators optimize IP address utilization, prevent over or under-allocation, and ensure that critical devices always have the addresses they need.

Enhanced trouble shooting  

DDI Central’s IPAM can automatically detect and alert administrators to IP address conflicts. This proactive approach allows for quick resolution before conflicts can cause significant network disruptions. Automated conflict detection saves time and reduces the potential for human error in the troubleshooting process.

It also keeps detailed logs of all IP address assignments and changes. This historical data is invaluable for troubleshooting recurring issues, as administrators can review past configurations and changes to identify patterns and root causes. It also supports auditing and compliance efforts by providing a clear record of network activity.

Are you still relying on spreadsheets for managing your network’s IP addresses? 

IPAM is a critical component for any network infrastructure. It not only helps in efficiently managing IP addresses but also enhances the integration and functionality of DNS and DHCP services. By adopting DDI Central’s comprehensive integrated IPAM solution, organizations can achieve better network visibility, improved management, and streamlined network operations, ultimately leading to a more robust and reliable network IP infrastructure.

If you’re still relying on spreadsheets for IP management, it’s high time to consider the benefits of DDI Central’s IPAM and how it can transform your network management practices.

Download a free, 30-day trial now to explore how DDI Central can transform your network.