Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring...
Blog archives

SysAdmin Day 2023: Honoring the unsung heroes of technology
On this SysAdmin Appreciation Day, we pause to honor the remarkable individuals who work behind the scenes and whose efforts power every problem solved, every seamless connection,...

Top tips: 5 metrics to evaluate the efficiency of your cybersecurity program
2,200 cyberattacks occur daily, with an average of 39 attacks every second. As we come up with new strategies to keep our network secured, hackers...

Comprehensive visibility is the foundation for effective threat detection and response
Businesses today are more dependent than ever on technology, making strong threat detection and response strategies essential. Cybercriminals in the modern world are constantly looking for...
Log360 wins 2023 Fortress Cybersecurity Award
The Fortress Cybersecurity Award program highlights and rewards creative thinking, engineering, people, and projects that take on the growing threat of digital security and protection....

Enable real-time updates with new integrations of webhooks with NetFlow Analyzer
A webhook, or web callback, is a user-defined HTTP callback used to alter the behavior of a webpage or application. It is triggered by specific...

Achieving cost-effective scalability: Optimize AWS ELB pricing using CloudSpend
Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) is a load balancing service that automatically and evenly distributes incoming traffic from client-side applications across multiple virtual server instances, like...

Breaking down India’s cybersecurity: A comprehensive mid-year review and analysis
As we cross the halfway mark of this year, we need to evaluate and understand the rising complexity of cyberthreats that are transforming our digital...

Maximizing VoIP performance: Why VoIP monitoring is vital for IT organizations
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a fairly old technology, brought into prominence during the 90s as an alternative to the hegemony of public switched telephone network...