Key Manager plus - New features

Happy New Year from Key Manager Plus!

Though years may pass, one thing that never changes is our commitment towards providing hassle-free certificate life cycle management for every enterprise. To stay true to this goal, over the years, our team has constantly improved its offerings to match user requisites and market needs, and 2023 was no different, with updates that redefined the administrative experience and enhanced product security. Here is a quick roundup of Key Manager Plus’ features and enhancements from 2023.

➤ Featured  releases

➤ Contextual integrations

➤ Other enhancements and upgrades

Featured releases

  • Private certificate authority

Managing your internal certificates can be a mammoth task, especially when you need to monitor their validity and renewals from time to time. The new Private CA will now act as a standalone feature of Key Manager Plus for internal certificate provisioning and management, thereby enhancing the productivity of your organization.

  • Configurable Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)

Key Manager Plus now flexibly integrates with all ACME service providers beyond the natively available ones like Let’s Encrypt, Buypass Go SSL, and ZeroSSL to support automated certificate management right from creation to deployment. This significantly reduces the time spent on manual intervention, making it easier for admins to focus on other important security operations.

Contextual integrations

Containerizing and automating application development is now the go-to approach for organizations, and Key Manager Plus’s integration with Kubernetes and Jenkins offers a platform for storing, managing, and automating certificate-related actions. These integrations allow for automatic certificate creation and deployment during the build generation and post-deployment phases with minimal administrative involvement.

In addition to this, the integration with Azure Key Vault allows users to import and manage SSL/TLS certificates from Azure Key Vault to the Key Manager Plus repository.

That’s not all!

While we’ve covered a major chunk of the new features, here are some additional feature enhancements and upgrades.

  • SSL power user is a newly offered, custom role that provides users with elevated privileges to carry out SSL/TLS certificate management tasks.

  • New REST APIs have been introduced to carry out actions like fetching all SSH resources, importing certificate signing requests, discovering certificates in bulk, and monitoring the number of vulnerabilities that arise in certificates.

  • Discovery and deployment of certificates are now supported for multiple FortiGate firewall versions.

  • All users can use Google or Microsoft Exchange Service as their mail servers to set up channels for outbound emails and periodic alerts.

What’s in store for the upcoming year?

As we reflect on the updates from 2023, we’ve got even more lined up for you in 2024, ranging from cloud support to generation of custom reports, compliance reports and a new user interface. Stay tuned for more updates from Key Manager Plus.

Wishing you a jubilant and prosperous year ahead!