In the era of increased data security threat from both outside and inside of your enterprise, you need to be proactive in your approach.  On the government’s side, it wants to ensure the enterprise IT operations are regulated for the sake of data security of the citizens. In order to achieve this, government or the competent statutory authority issue regulations for the enterprises IT operations to be complied with. By complying the regulation, not only you are fulfilling the statutory requirements, you are also fortifying your enterprises security to the level acceptable to the external world.

Growing List of Compliance Regulations

One important point of concern is the growing number of Compliance Regulations issued by various statutory authorities. Already there are Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Payment Card Industry (PCI), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). Further more there are California Senate Bill No. 1386, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and SCADA security best practices. Each regulatory compliance will be outlining its own separate set of reports which needs to be presented to the IT auditors. So how the small and medium enterprises with their limited IT budget will cope up with growing demand of regulatory compliance.

How to address the ensuing scenario

An ideal solution would be to generate customized set of reports for each compliance to be available as pre-built package.  But customizing the set of reports will be time consuming and will be involving software developers with development time changes in the software application. This may not be desirable as every time a new regulation is introduced you have to carry out the exercise to comply with.  What you can look out for is an application which allows you the flexibility of customization of the available set of reports to make ready for the new compliance. Further, you choose to fine tune or prune the set of reports meant for the existing regulatory compliance.  Further more, you may feel that it will be nice to have the reports generated periodically without your intervention manually.

A solution in sight

AdventNet ManageEngine with its fore thought addresses your above stated problems. The EventLog Anayzer 5 allows you create a set of reports for a new compliance.  This value added feature removes your burden of customizing the application every time you require reports for a new regulatory compliance. It takes no time and can be created by the System Administrator. Another feature of EventLog Anayzer 5 is to allow customization of the set of reports for the existing compliance report. This is another value addition that ensure that you submit only required reports and remove reports which are not required or add a new one which is required. You dodnot have to panic for minor changes in the regulations. What more, EventLog Anayzer 5 allows you to schdule the compliance report generation automatically at periodic interval. You can sit back and relax. The EventLog Anayzer 5 comes packed with a lot more features. Get the details here.

Want to see it to belive it, try EventLog Anayzer 5. You can download it from here. The full functionality download is available free for thirty days trial.