According to Global Workspace Analytics, telecommuting has grown 115 percent since 2005. This rapid growth in telecommuting indicates that many companies are beginning to accept this trend to ensure they don’t miss out on a talented pool of employees. In fact, a study by International Foundation Of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) states that 74 percent of employers now offer the option to telecommute. But who facilitates the environment that allows telecommuting? The IT administrators, of course.

It’s important for IT administrators to ensure that their IT can keep up with this trend. When it comes to providing technical assistance for telecommuters, one key impediment is managing user passwords. Most organizations use Active Directory (AD) as their directory service, but AD only supports on-premises network connections. That means whenever a telecommuter forgets their password or gets locked out of their account, they’re forced to contact the help desk.

The telecommuter then has to wait until the password is reset or the account is unlocked in AD before they can log in. As a result of this shortcoming of AD, both the telecommuter and the IT admin face a loss of productivity.

To learn how to circumvent this setback without much hassle, join our free webinar, “Password management for remote employees made easy.” In this webinar, our product expert explains how IT administrators can empower telecommuters to reset their passwords and unlock their accounts by themselves—even if they’re off-premises—and the ideal solution to implement these capabilities.

So what are you waiting for? Claim your spot now!

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