Today’s employees are often overwhelmed with the number of passwords they have to manage on a regular basis. This leads to increased help desk calls due to forgotten passwords,...

Five worthy reads: Are you ready to meet your digital twin?
Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we’ll talk about what...

Application whitelisting using Software Restriction Policies
Software Restriction Policies (SRPs) is a Group Policy-based feature in Active Directory (AD) that identifies and controls the execution of various programs on the computers...
Top five tips for Office 365 security and compliance, Part 2
In our previous blog, we broadly discussed how our webinar Top five tips for Office 365 security and compliance will help you learn how to tackle some of your biggest security and compliance challenges....

Top five tips for Office 365 security and compliance, Part 1
Office 365 is a favorite target for hackers across the globe. Of all the messages sent to Office 365 inboxes in a single month, about 55 billion...

Halloween NCSAM contest for IT security experts!
With Halloween fast approaching, the search for the scariest costumes is underway. But as an IT security professional, what haunts you more? Coworkers dressed as ghosts, witches, and vampires? Or the thought of a cyberattack? October may be...

Is Google Sync a vector for data breaches?
Many users enable Google Sync so they can use one Google account for both personal and business purposes. Google Sync synchronizes bookmarks, browsing history, passwords, and extensions across Chrome browsers...

Five worthy reads: The human factor in IT team and organizational success
Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we take a look...

There’s more to password security than hashed passwords
In 1967 Roger Needham, one of the first computer scientists to emphasize the need for computer security, invented the method of storing a hashed version of plaintext passwords. To this day, we...