Have you ever felt like your network is a tangled web of wires and connections, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode into chaos? As businesses grow, their networks become increasingly complex, making it difficult to maintain smooth operations and robust security.

Network segmentation is a strategy that divides your network into smaller, more manageable sections, similar to creating different colored zones in a city. Each zone, also called a segment, acts as a separate, mini network with its own set of access rules and policies.

There are two main methods for network segmentation: physical and logical.

Physical segmentation 

In the pre-cloud era, physical segmentation reigned supreme. This method involves dividing the network into separate physical sections using hardware components like firewalls and routers. Each segment has its own dedicated firewall, acting as a gatekeeper that controls incoming and outgoing traffic.

Logical segmentation

Logical segmentation leverages software-based techniques to create virtual sub-networks within the existing physical network infrastructure. This is a more cost-effective and flexible approach compared to physical segmentation.

Virtual local area networks (VLANs): VLANs use Layer 2 switching technology to group devices together logically, regardless of their physical location on the network. Devices within the same VLAN can communicate freely with each other, while traffic is restricted between different VLANs.

Access control lists (ACLs): ACLs are sets of rules that define which traffic is allowed or denied on a network. They can be implemented on routers, switches, and firewalls to further granular control over traffic flow within and between network segments.

Challenges with network segmentation 

While network segmentation offers a plethora of benefits, like enhanced security by isolating critical resources and user groups and improved performance by segmenting your network to control traffic flow, it also comes with its own set of challenges that need to be addressed. Here’s a closer look at some of the potential difficulties you might encounter in segmenting your network:

  • Increased complexity: Dividing your network into multiple segments adds complexity to your network architecture. You’ll need to manage a larger number of network devices, security policies, and access control rules. This can be especially challenging for large and complex networks.

  • Administrative burden: Implementing and maintaining network segmentation requires ongoing effort from network administrators. As the number of segments grows, so does the workload associated with managing firewalls, VLANs, ACLs, and other segmentation controls.

  • Balancing security and usability: Striking the right balance between security and usability is crucial. Overly restrictive segmentation policies can hinder user productivity and application performance. Conversely, loose segmentation policies can leave your network vulnerable to security breaches.

  • Visibility challenges: Segmenting your network can create blind spots within your overall network visibility. You’ll need robust monitoring tools and strategies to ensure you have a clear view of what’s happening across all your network segments.

OpManager Plus: Your network segmentation champion 

OpManager Plus is a comprehensive network management solution that empowers you to not only implement network segmentation with ease but also effectively manage and monitor your segmented network. Here’s how OpManager Plus elevates your network segmentation game:

Simplified physical segmentation with firewall management 

OpManager Plus automatically discovers firewalls within your network. You can configure firewall rules to define traffic flow between segments, ensuring only authorized traffic passes through. You can also manage:

  • Intranet segmentation: OpManager Plus helps you separate internal network traffic from external traffic, further enhancing security within your network segments.

  • Misconfiguration and anomaly detection: With OpManager Plus proactively scanning your firewall rules for inconsistencies and potential security vulnerabilities, you can identify and rectify issues before they can be exploited by attackers.

  • Security audit reports: Gain comprehensive reports detailing the effectiveness of your firewall segmentation strategy, and identify potential security gaps and receive actionable insights with comprehensive reports.

  • Threat detection and forensic analysis: OpManager Plus analyzes firewall logs to detect suspicious activity and potential threats. This allows you to take swift action to mitigate security risks.

Effortless logical segmentation via VLANs and ACLs

OpManager Plus can streamline the creation and management of VLANs and ACLs on your network switches.

  • VLAN management: You can leverage prebuilt templates (Configlets) to automate repetitive VLAN configuration tasks, saving you time and effort. It keeps track of changes made to your network configurations, including VLAN creation and modification. This ensures you have a clear audit trail and can easily revert to previous configurations if necessary.

  • ACL management: OpManager Plus empowers you to create and manage ACLs for granular control over traffic flow within your network segments. You can define permit or deny rules to control access to specific network resources or entire segments.

Maintaining visibility with network monitoring 

Network segmentation can sometimes create blind spots within your network. OpManager Plus offers a comprehensive network monitoring suite that provides complete visibility into the health and performance of your segmented network.

  • Real-time monitoring: Monitor the performance of all your network devices (including firewalls, switches, routers, and servers) in real time. Identify potential issues like bottlenecks, latency spikes, or device failures before they significantly impact network performance.

  • Application performance monitoring: OpManager Plus extends its monitoring capabilities beyond network devices to include applications. This allows you to monitor the performance of critical business applications and ensure they function optimally within each network segment.

  • Alerting and reporting: OpManager can be configured to send automated alerts whenever a device or application experiences performance degradation or encounters an error. Additionally, OpManager Plus generates detailed reports that provide insights into network health, resource utilization, and overall network performance across your segmented network.

The OpManager Plus advantage 

OpManager Plus offers several compelling advantages that make it a standout choice for managing your segmented network, including:

  • A unified platform: OpManager Plus consolidates a wide range of network management functionalities into a single, user-friendly platform. This eliminates the need for multiple, disparate tools, simplifying network administration and reducing complexity.

  • Scalability: OpManager Plus can easily scale to accommodate the growing needs of your network. Whether you manage a small network or a large enterprise infrastructure, OpManager Plus can handle it.

  • Cost-effectiveness: OpManager Plus is a cost-effective solution compared to deploying and managing multiple, stand-alone tools for network segmentation and management.

  • Ease of use: OpManager Plus boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies network management tasks, even for administrators with limited technical expertise.

Try ManageEngine OpManager Plus today for all your network segmentation needs, from implementing firewalls, creating VLANs, and adding ACLs to monitoring your segmented network and keeping up with its performance. Gain visibility into all the nooks and corners of your network using this integrated IT operations software. Check out our free online demo, or request a personalized one. You can also download a 30-day trial with full monitoring and management capabilities.