Imagine you are hosting a lavish buffet and have prepared a wide variety of dishes. It is a common tendency of some guests at dinner parties to pile their plates with food, leaving little for others to consume. To ensure that everybody receives a fair share of food and that the buffet doesn’t run out too quickly, you decide to implement a “plate size restriction” policy. This intentional policy is intended to gently remind the guests and encourage them to take only what they can reasonably consume.

But how does this work? As guests approach the buffet table, you provide them with plates of standard sizes. This checks the amount of food that they can take in a single serving, encouraging them to be mindful of other guests in the party. In this way, they can sample a variety of dishes without overindulging in any one item. With this policy, you can ensure that all the guests get to enjoy all the dishes served without any hassle, and if someone tries to overindulge, you gently remind them of the policy in use.

How does this scenario connect to bandwidth throttling?

  • The buffet represents the available network bandwidth.

  • The guests represent the users or applications accessing the network.

  • The food on the buffet represents the data transferred over the network.

  • The plate size restriction represents bandwidth throttling, which intentionally limits the amount of bandwidth available to each user or application.

The goal is to ensure fair access to network resources for all users and to prevent any single user or application from utilizing all the available bandwidth, thereby maintaining a smooth and equitable network experience for everyone.

Bandwidth throttling: The traffic police of your network

Effective network management in network traffic monitoring is essential for maintaining a reliable, responsive, and a secure network environment that enhances the user experience and supports the organization’s goals and objectives. As the demand for IoTs , applications, and services grow, the need for efficient allocation and utilization of bandwidth resources increases proportionately. To assist with managing your network, bandwidth throttling helps prevent congestion and bottlenecks, eventually maintaining productivity, and providing security in today’s modern digital environment.

Bandwidth throttling serves as a vital traffic management tool by regulating the flow of data traffic across the network. Acting as a police officer in network management, it ensures all users and applications adhere to the predefined rules and regulations. It is similar to how a traffic police officer manages the flow of vehicles on a road to prevent traffic congestion and maintain a smooth flow of vehicles on the road; bandwidth throttling controls the flow of data packets to prevent network congestion and ensure fair access to network resources.

Like a traffic police uses signs, speed limits, traffic signals to manage traffic flow, bandwidth throttling deploys various techniques like QoS policies, traffic shaping, threshold based alerting, etc. to intentionally control the flow of data traffic. In particular, these techniques prioritize applications over bandwidth hogging applications and allocate bandwidth resources according to the predefined priorities required by the network. Bandwidth throttling helps to maintain a consistent level of service for all users and applications, preventing monopoly of the available bandwidth.

Bandwidth throttling defined   

Bandwidth throttling refers to the intentional restriction or limitation of the amount of data that can be transferred over a network during a period of time.


Best practices for implementing bandwidth throttling  

Implementing bandwidth throttling alongside network bandwidth monitoring includes a strategic and efficient network resource management to maintain optimal bandwidth usage performance. Some of the best practices include:

  1. Observe and understand network patterns before implementing bandwidth throttling to identify bandwidth-intensive applications that help you understand the requirements of your network environment better.

  2. Establish clear priorities for different types of traffic based on their application and services with regards to the importance to the organization.

  3. Deploy monitoring tools to track network traffic in real-time. By implementing network traffic monitoring tools, you can gain insights into bandwidth usage, traffic patterns, and performance metrics, so you can troubleshoot anomalies if any thresholds are violated.

  4. Implement quality of service (QoS) policies to enforce bandwidth throttling with traffic shaping; you can develop concise policies, set bandwidth limits, and outline the rules for bandwidth allocation to ensure compliance and better communication with different networks.

Integrate bandwidth throttling with NetFlow Analyzer’s network traffic monitoring

NetFlow Analyzer showcases a proactive and dynamic network bandwidth monitoring to monitor network traffic in real-time. This powerful traffic analytics solution provides in-depth visibility into network devices, interfaces, applications, users and network traffic. Here’s how bandwidth throttling can be integrated with NetFlow Analyzer:

  1. Real-time traffic analysis: NetFlow Analyzer proactively monitors network traffic in real-time and troubleshoots for any anomalies and traffic spikes in the network. It collects data on bandwidth usage, traffic patterns, and application behavior to provide valuable insights into which network components are consuming the most bandwidth.

  2. QoS-based throttling: NetFlow Analyzer’s traffic shaping and QoS policies can define bandwidth throttling policies based on the insights gathered from the network traffic monitoring. These policies might range from setting bandwidth limits for specific non-mission critical applications causing bandwidth hog to priortizing mission-critical traffic.

  3. Reporting and alerting: NetFlow Analyzer is predominantly a reporting tool that provides network administrators with various reports about bandwidth usage, anomalies, and application behavior. It provides reports based on forecast bandwidth usage and the bandwidth’s capacity over a period of time.
    Network administrators can also set threshold-based alerts to discover network spikes and suspicious network activities.

  4. Scalability: NetFlow Analyzer is scalable, enabling organizations to adapt bandwidth throttling policies to their evolving needs. NetFlow Analyzer can efficiently manage a small office network or a large enterprise with its own complexities.

  5. Integrations: NetFlow Analyzer can seamlessly integrate with other network management tools such as ManageEngine’s OpUtils, Network Configuration Manager, Firewall Analyzer and also collaborate with third-party applications to ensure consistency and efficiency in enforcing bandwidth throttling policies.

The future of bandwidth throttling will involve greater adaptability to meet the evolving demands of modern networks and to ensure optimal network performances and user experiences.

Discover ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer, a flow-based network traffic monitoring solution providing real-time insights into your applications, interfaces, and devices. Explore our complimentary 30-day trial or reach out to our dedicated support team for further information.