Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring why human intervention is essential in AI.

Humans and AI

What a blessing it is to reach a destination on time with the help of maps these days. Getting shorter route suggestions and updates of congestion ahead of our drive is extremely helpful. However, navigational errors due to outdated AI algorithms, improper sensor mapping, and connectivity issues sometimes give the wrong information, which brings us back to where we started.

As we all know, AI has become a major part of everyday life. It’s transforming lives and the tech world to a phenomenal extent. According to the World Economic Forum, AI is projected to eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025, but it is also going to create 97 million new ones, resulting in a net gain of 12 million jobs globally.

AI replacing humans has been debated for quite a long time. However, we have yet to see this statement come to fruition. AI lacks human values and emotional quotient, forcing it to depend on humans.

We firmly believe that AI without humans is a myth, at least for now. Here are some strong supporting points that’ll help you understand the importance of human intervention in AI:

1. What are the dangers posed by AI?

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” AI and its interpretations are truly phenomenal. However, placing complete reliance on AI is not a good practice. Humans, together with AI, are concepts that need to be put in place to avoid existential risks. This is one of the many risks that has the potential to destroy any system or build wealth out of it. This article explains all the possible risks associated with using AI in technology.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of AI

AI can go from automation, accuracy, personalization, and precision to emotionless, zero ethics, and damage to privacy in a fraction of a second. Human errors are unavoidable, and so are errors from AI. After all, human expertise is the medium that AI can perform tasks and make authentic decisions. Here’s an article to walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of AI that’ll help you act wisely.

3. AI and some disasters

It takes a lot of time and work to build the algorithm for AI to work.The advantages it brings to the system are vast, but so are the consequences of failure associated with deployments or testing. It takes milliseconds to misrepresent a spokesperson or a celebrity and damage their reputation. The chain of after-effects quickly bringdown the values built over a long time. This is just one widespread incident in recent times. This article on AI disasters highlights some interesting real incidents that need our attention.

4. Consequences of AI without human

Human oversight is a must. AI has to be monitored, updated, trained from time-to-time by us humans. This will not be a welcoming decision considering the emotional consequences it would bring to real life. Since it acts on predefined rules and data sets, the whole process could be stalled when an unexpected situation arises. “AI taking executive control” is discussed in the linked article to give you an even more convincing statement that AI without humans is a disaster.

5. AI can’t do and won’t do without humans

The data life cycle begins and ends with humans as the foremost contributors to AI. The human contribution to AI is crucial because AI runs on data, from categorizing the dat, curating data sets, removing inconsistencies, avoiding duplicates, updating features from time-to-time, and providing feedback provisions, which are all performed by humans. Empathy-like capabilities are only in the works of researchers. While cognitive emotions are the essence of humans, and their preferences might change occasionally, AI does not necessarily satisfy them. Take a moment to skim through this article on the importance of human intervention in AI to avoid catastrophe.

Humans and AI complement each other in different ways and never should uptake any of their roles. The potential in AI keeps doubling and becomes error-free only when humans get a say in it. Anything in moderation and balance brings out bright innovations and will undoubtedly keep the technology going.

Dharani Senthilkumar
Content Writer