SIEM solutions operate based on thresholds. These thresholds serve as predefined benchmarks that generate alerts when the alert criteria is met. While effective to some extent, this approach falls short on multiple fronts, particularly in the context of sophisticated attacks and dynamic environments.

Static thresholds falling short
One of the fundamental flaws of static thresholds lies in their rigidity. By their nature, static thresholds fail to adapt to the changing patterns and nuances of user behavior and network activity. In today’s complex IT ecosystems, where user behaviors and network dynamics can vary widely, relying solely on fixed thresholds inevitably leads to false positives and missed alerts.

Moreover, static thresholds lack the granularity and context needed to differentiate between benign anomalies and genuine security incidents. They operate on a one-size-fits-all basis, disregarding the unique characteristics of different users, systems, and applications. Consequently, security teams receive a barrage of alerts, many of which are trivial, making it challenging to prioritize and respond to genuine threats in a timely manner.

The rise of insider threats and advanced persistent threats (APTs) further exacerbates the limitations of static thresholds. These attacks often involve stealthy tactics designed to evade traditional detection mechanisms. Static thresholds, with their simplistic approach, are not equipped to detect the subtle indicators of such attacks, leaving organizations vulnerable to data breaches and other malicious activities.

Consider this scenario
Within a large organization, frequent account lockout issues persist. Investigation reveals that most of these lockouts stem from genuine errors in password entry. However, conventional SIEM solutions employing static thresholds struggle to distinguish between genuine mistakes and potentially harmful activity.

Imagine a scenario where employees are required to periodically change their passwords for security purposes. During these intervals, the likelihood of incorrect password entries and, consequently, account lockouts increases significantly. This influx of alerts inundates the security team, leaving them insufficient time to review each one. Even if the team attempts to do so, the sheer volume of alerts could prolong the process indefinitely, potentially allowing genuine threats to escalate into attacks.

How can organizations effectively manage such overwhelming alert volumes? Is there a viable solution to this problem? Our white paper, Precision in action: Leveraging smart thresholds for accurate detection, not only addresses these questions but also offers practical solutions tailored to this specific use case. Explore the insights provided in the white paper to discover how smart thresholds can benefit your security operations.