With IT businesses spread across hybrid cloud infrastructures, there is an increase in the volume of alerts, and incident tickets. IT administrators are often exhausted from managing these tickets and alerts as most are time-consuming and redundant. Modernizing ITOps using AIOps, and observability helps your IT administrators automate redundant tasks, and reduce event alerts.

Artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) can help your ITOps management team collect performance data from several IT teams and applications, analyze them using machine learning, detect incident alerts automatically and respond to it in real time. Implementing AIOps into your ITOps is not exactly a cake walk. It can take months to adopt AIOps, and slowly phase out traditional methods, as it requires a lot of operational data that needs to be fed. The more operational data you feed into AIOps, the more efficient your ITOps will become.

According to an article by TechTarget, ChatGPT and generative AI is on the rise, and it is making it’s way into IT operations management. Internet service provider companies like Telco, and Palto Alto have already implemented AIOps and started seeing massive improvements in providing service stability and speed to their customers. Major organizations in healthcare have also started using AIOps to streamline telehealth and digital services to bridge the gap between patients and doctors. AIOps will become imperative for businesses in the future.

To get started, or progress on your AIOps journey with new strategies, attend our ITOM Day Singapore. Our ITOM and AIOps specialists, Arun Raj and Vijayakanth Gunasekaran, will share their perspective on AIOps, and how it can help your business grow.

Highlights of the event:

  • Learn how to break down silos with AIOps
  • Discover how network performance monitoring can benefit your business
  • Achieve visibility across your hybrid cloud infrastructure
  • Find out how to extend control over all your network operations
  • Join the interactive session

Event details

Date: Apr. 6 2023

Venue: Sheraton Towers, Singapore

Start time: 8:30am

Register here.