Upwork estimates that 73 percent of all departments will have remote workers by 2028, with 33 percent of employees telecommuting full-time. With business becoming global and telecommuting catching up, organizations need to accommodate telecommuters quickly so they don’t miss out on skilled talent. But it doesn’t end there. Organizations also need to have robust IT infrastructure in place that doesn’t hinder telecommuters from accessing their work.

Thoughtfully-designed directory services like Active Directory (AD) help with resource access and make user account management easy for IT admins. However, in some specific cases, even a proven solution like AD falls short. One such case is when telecommuters forget their password. They’re in a deadlock as they have no power to reset the password on their own outside of the office, and even if they call the IT administrator to get their password reset, the new password won’t be reflected in the user’s client machine because of AD’s cached credential principles.

Users forgetting passwords is just one such scenario. The same goes for locked accounts, expired passwords, expired accounts, and a lot more. Shielding telecommuters from password problems isn’t child’s play; inefficient password support can lead to improper utilization of resources, loss of productivity, and frustration for remote workers or telecommuters.

Is there a tool that can simplify password management for telecommuters? Is there a way to empower telecommuters to reset their passwords and unlock their accounts securely all by themselves? Luckily for you, there is!

Join our identity and access management (IAM) expert for a webinar on shielding telecommuters from password problems, and how using the right password management solution can make all the difference.

Thejas Sridhar
Product Consultant