With Halloween fast approaching, the search for the scariest costumes is underway. But as an IT security professional, what haunts you more? Coworkers dressed as ghosts, witches, and vampires? Or the thought of a cyberattack?

October may be all about Halloween, but for IT security experts, it also has professional significance. Each October we celebrate the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This effort was brought to life with help from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

NCSAM was created to promote awareness of online security for every individual. The overall NCSAM theme is “Our Shared Responsibility,” which reflects on the idea that cyberspace can’t be secure without everyone’s help.

The biggest fear of many security experts is dealing with fraud, intrusion, insider threats, phishing, and other cybercrimes. To avoid these, successful security professionals keep themselves and users around them updated about security incidents happening around the world. This helps them stay one step ahead of hackers and other malicious actors.

We at ManageEngine understand how hard a security admin’s life can be. This October, in the spirit of NCSAM and Halloween, ManageEngine will be conducting an online contest tailor-made for IT security professionals.

Entering is simple—all you need to do is answer 10 security-related IT questions, enter your name and email address in the contact form, and wait until we evaluate all the submissions to hear who the lucky winners are!

Four lucky winners will get a Google Home Mini or Amazon gift voucher worth $50! 

Why wait? Participate now for your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card



Madan Gowri
Marketing Analyst