No, PCI DSS compliance may not be limited to Banking and Payment Card companies. It may be enforced for any company handling customer credit card...
What to Look for in a Log Management Application – Check the Checklist!
T?he current dynamic IT scenario ascertains the importance of security logs because of the rise in hackers activities. The resultant requirement is an event log...
Answering Compliance Queries – IT Compliance from Auditor’s and Entrepreneur’s Point of View
Why compliance audits? Let us not narrow our perception to the IT systems alone…but with IT infrastructure as a broad term. Auditing has a purpose. Tracking activities...
“Who will guard the guards”?
Russel, a chief security officer for a renowned enterprise is one of EventLog Analyzer customers. Recently we had a quick review of his EventLog Analyzer...

Ask me in EventLog Analyzer.
IT Manager /CXO of an enterprise are responsible to manage all IT infrastructure of an enterprise. This includes a vigorous update on the status of...

Do you know about Mouse gestures on Eventlog Analyzer v.6?
Simple user-friendly features make our application as one of the most preferred one in the market. Here, in this blog, we shall be posting on...
Security Software Spending and Uncertain Times of Economy
The Economic Condition After the down slide of US economy, there is lull now. Even the noted economist are not sure which way it will...
Security Vs Operational efficiency – Striking the balance with productive tools
Running through my daily read lists, while on Network World Asia I came across the featured article ‘How to maintain security without increasing the operational...
Best Practices in Log Management for Effective Compliance
Compliance is vital for any enterprise not merely to adhere to various regulatory/industry frameworks but also to mitigate the risks attached to corporate IT assets....