Microsoft’s August Patch Tuesday bulletins are now supported by Desktop Central. The patch assessment team at Desktop Central has tested all the patches pertaining to...
Advance Notification of Microsoft Patch Tuesday for August 2010
Microsoft released an advance notification for their August 2010 patch Tuesday. Microsoft will release 14 security bulletins on August 10th addressing 34 vulnerabilities. Ten of the...
Desktop Central Supports Microsoft’s Out-of-Band Security Bulletin, MS10-046
Microsoft, on Monday, 2nd August 2010, released an out of band security bulletin MS10-046 to address a vulnerability in the handling of shortcuts. The vulnerability...
ManageEngine Desktop Central – July 2010 Newsletter
Greetings from ManageEngine Desktop Central We are happy to announce the availability of latest hotfix to Desktop Central 7 – Build 70117. Here’s the complete...

Microsoft Patch Tuesday – July 2010 Patches Updated in Desktop Central
Microsoft has released 4 new security bulletins for the July 2010 edition of patch Tuesday. These 4 bulletins address 5 vulnerabilities. Our patch assessment team has completed...
Adobe Releases Security Update for Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat
Today Adobe releases a security update for Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat to address the critical vulnerabilities which including CVE-2010-1297referenced in Security Advisory APSA10-01, could cause the...
Java update fails with time out error
Hi You may encounter Java update failures with the below given two reasons. Time out or Error occurred while processing the configuration What is the reason for failure? The technical...
Microsoft June 2010 Patch Tuesday Update Completed
Microsoft has released 10 new security bulletin for the June 2010 edition of patch Tuesday. These 10 bulletins address 34 vulnerabilities. Our patch assessment team has completed the...
Microsoft Patch Tuesday June 2010, Desktop Central planned to update in 3 phases
Microsoft has released 10 new security bulletin for the June 2010 edition of patch Tuesday. These 10 bulletins address 34 vulnerabilities. As this patch Tuesday...