Desktop Central is a configuration product so admin privilege is MUST to perform various desktop management activities such as remote configuration, software installation, etc. But...
Active Directory Delegation
Recently, I was involved in the Desktop Central delegated administration tests in the windows 2003 based domain. I tried this using native Microsoft delegation wizard...
Ten Tips to Effectively Manage Networked Desktops
As part of the team that is developing Desktop management product, Desktop Central, I am sharing here my learnings on Desktop management. While doing the...
Desktop Central now available for $245!
Desktop Central is available starting at $245 for managing 50 desktops. This new Desktop Central pricing strategy will be highly helpful and affordable for all...
Remote Configuration, Execution Status
In my previous blog, I was mentioning about the importance of specifying the filters along with the targets list when defining the remote configuration. This...
Remote Configuration, Targets List
Rolling out a new configuration to windows desktops in a network is always time consuming and challenging one for IT Pros. First, correct configuration details...
GPO – Best Practices
Group Policy Objects (GPO) Best Practices I thought it would be interesting and useful to write about ‘GPO Best Practices’ as the first topic of...
New year’s wishes
I wish you all a very happy new year! Also, I’d like to thank everyone who makes the forums and blogs an interesting place. As...
Service Pack 1 Released
Author: Desktop Central I remember reading in a magazine about the release schedule of server OSs from Microsoft. Before sharing you the MS schedule let...