Script Monitor :A Flexible mechanism to Monitor Custom Applications.

You must be already aware of the Script Monitor .A flexible mechanism to Monitor custom applications or devices and integrate existing system management scripts to...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

Improve Operations Productivity by Integrating Contextual Information using New Widgets for Custom Dashboards

When Applications Manager is your primary Applications and Systems Performance Monitoring tool, you need to make sure all supplementary views from 3rd party tools or...

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Compare performance attributes through Heat Charts

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Applications Manager chosen as a finalist in "Best of Interop" 2010 for Virtualization

Server virtualization is one of the highest impact trends in the IT industry today with proven cost savings and other benefits. In spite of these...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

Application Dependency Mapping for better alarm management

It has been a while, since i blogged here. It keeps me on my toes to find a suitable title for the blog and my...

Applications Manager 4 min read Read

Introducing SQLDBManager Plus – A comprehensive SQL Server Monitoring Software from ManageEngine

We’ve just released SQLDBManager Plus, a new product to monitor your Microsoft SQL Servers and gain insight into their health and performance. It gives you...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

Monitor Clustered Applications, Servers and Databases.

Enterprises use Clustered Environment to scale for Failover Support. It is highly critical to monitor all nodes within the cluster. Here is a diagrammatic representation...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

An Usecase for Alarm Workflow in Applications Manager

Alarms from Applications Manager can be of any of the following severity : Critical (for Health & Down for Availability) -Amber Warning – Orange Clear...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

Proactively detect Application Performance Problems with Anomaly Detection

Remember ‘Minority Report’, the Steven Speilberg directed sci-fi movie starring Tom Cruise? The movie is set in futuristic Washington where the police force employ ‘precogs’...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read