Data security threats: How to safeguard your data from modern pirates [Free e-book]

To stay safe from modern-day pirates, you need elaborate, multi-layered security measures. With the recent exponential increase in data generation and storage requirements, threats to...

DataSecurity Plus 2 min read Read

USB review, Part 2: How to manage USB devices

In this two-part series, the first blog demonstrates how USB devices can be conduits of threats. Read that blog to learn more about USB security threats. In this...

DataSecurity Plus 4 min read Read

USB review, Part 1: How are USB flash drives a security risk?

We’ve all used pocket-sized USB drives to store and transfer data. We’ve also lost them countless times. USB sticks are a necessary convenience accompanied by complex and varied...

DataSecurity Plus 4 min read Read

Access granted: Mastering the art of permissions

Back in the 20th century, cyberattacks were harder to execute because most computers were not networked, the internet wasn’t really a thing, only a few...

DataSecurity Plus 3 min read Read

Is your sensitive data overexposed?

76% of IT security leaders experienced data breaches involving the loss or theft of sensitive information contained in documents or files. – Code42 2021 Data Exposure...

DataSecurity Plus 3 min read Read

Bring down data storage costs by getting rid of obsolete data [Savings estimator]

Redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data refers to information housed in data repositories that is either not in use or not needed in current business operations. These are...

DataSecurity Plus 3 min read Read

Why companies need URL filtering for enhanced cloud protection

The cloud landscape is rife with unsafe URLs and inappropriate content. This—coupled with the accelerated adoption of cloud applications in the workplace—has created an urgent...

DataSecurity Plus 3 min read Read

Healthcare cybersecurity: Our 6-step plan to secure healthcare data

The HIPAA Journal reported that “2020 was the worst ever year for healthcare industry data breaches.” In the US alone, there were 642 reported data...

DataSecurity Plus 3 min read Read

CISO’s guide to building an ironclad data loss prevention strategy [E-book]

“The Global Datasphere will grow from 45 Zettabytes (ZB) in 2019 to 175ZB by 2025.” – International Data Corporation (IDC) As data proliferates, traditional data...

DataSecurity Plus 1 min read Read