data security threats ebook

To stay safe from modern-day pirates, you need elaborate, multi-layered security measures. With the recent exponential increase in data generation and storage requirements, threats to data security are numerous and sophisticated. Increasingly, safeguarding your organization’s treasure, its data, demands significant effort from owners of the data to stay up to date about today’s evolving cyberattack strategies.

Rising cyberattacks  

Here’s some alarming global cybersecurity statistics from the past year to mull over:

  • 9,478 cybersecurity incidents and 35,900,145,035 breached records were publicly reported in the first half of 2024.

  • 66% of organizations were impacted by ransomware in 2023.

  • $15.38 million is the average cost of an insider threat incident in 2023.

  • 43% of all successful attacks on organizations in 2023 used social engineering.

  • 79% of social engineering attacks in 2023 were carried out through email, SMS messages, social networks, and messaging apps.


Such statistical data is not meant to scare you but to emphasize the importance of data security. Because, let’s face it, bad actors are getting more and more sophisticated, and attacks are becoming more and more common.

Our extensive e-book, Building cyber resilience: A comprehensive guide to addressing data security threats, helps you understand the common attack methodologies of today’s pirates and how you can protect your treasure chest, your data.

What will you learn from the e-book?

  • The current threat landscape

  • Why AI, IoT, the cloud, and emerging technologies make data security more challenging today

  • Common and industry-specific data security threats

  • Choosing the right data security solution for you

 Get your free copy of the e-book

Explore DataSecurity Plus, a data security posture management platform

To combat these growing threats, organizations should have a comprehensive platform that includes various aspects of data visibility and security, such as automated data visibility, accelerated auditing and reporting, and data leak prevention in endpoints and the cloud.

DataSecurity Plus can be that platform for you. Get started with DataSecurity Plus today with a free, 30-day trial.