Five worthy reads: India’s DPDP Act—a vision for a secure digital environment

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring...

ManageEngine 3 min read Read

Proteger el mundo conectado mediante la seguridad informática en la era del IoT

El internet de las cosas (IoT) ha revolucionado la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos. Hoy en día, cientos de dispositivos conectados integran nuestras vidas....

Español 4 min read Read

La evolución de las ciberamenazas: phishing, vishing, fraude del CEO y más

El panorama moderno de las ciberamenazas es un entorno complejo y en constante evolución que plantea riesgos significativos para las organizaciones de todos los tamaños....

Español 4 min read Read

Five worthy reads: Securing the connected world through cybersecurity in the IoT era

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we will be...

General 4 min read Read

Why Indian companies need to adhere to the DPDP Act

The Indian government implemented the Data Protection and Privacy (DPDP) Act, a groundbreaking measure designed to regulate data protection within the country, in August 2023....

ManageEngine 4 min read Read

Ciberseguridad en la era de la IA: luchando contra amenazas sofisticadas

La ciberseguridad en la era de la IA es un tema de creciente importancia a medida que la tecnología continúa avanzando. En los últimos años,...

Español 4 min read Read

Five worthy reads: The evolving face of cyberthreats—phishing, vishing, CEO fraud, and more

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we are exploring...

General 3 min read Read

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity in the age of AI — Battling sophisticated threats

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring...

ManageEngine 3 min read Read

Estrategia multinube en la era digital

En una era en la que las innovaciones digitales ocurren a una velocidad vertiginosa, la nube se ha vuelto crucial para todas las empresas. Al...

Español 3 min read Read