And then there are the other kind of referees, they are experienced bit. They know exactly when a serious offense has been committed and if it is worth to stop the game. This might be followed by a yellow card or even a red card.
Now to the Network and network administrators, they are the referees in the ground called “network” and the players called “users”. There are two kinds of network administrators. Those who stop the whole network trying to troubleshoot a network-slowdown issue caused by a single person, this ruins every users’ experience in the network. The other kind of network administrator is the ones who have the experience and the right tools to know exactly with whom and where the fault lies. They identify the exact cause (maybe a person, application etc.) of the problem and deal only with the problem without causing unnecessary havoc in the whole network.
Which kind are you?! Get the right tool !
The “game” must go on!