In the high-stakes world of banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), collectively known as the finance sector, where transactions occur in milliseconds and financial destinies...
What is a DNS firewall? Optimize the security of your network infrastructure using DDI Central’s DNS firewall
Cyberthreats in today’s digital age are becoming complex and relentless, highlighting the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. Among these measures, DNS firewalls stand out as...
The role of DDI solutions in optimizing educational network infrastructures
In an age where education extends beyond the four walls of classrooms and spills into the digital landscape, the security of educational institutions’ networks is...
Forward and reverse DNS lookups: What they are, why you need them, and how to configure them
Effectively managing the dynamics of domain name lookups through the DNS is crucial for boosting the speed and security of network connections. Forward and...
The role of DDI solutions in optimizing healthcare networks
The healthcare IT landscape is rapidly evolving and driven by digital transformation efforts that aim to enhance patient care and network operational efficiency. However, this...
What is Dynamic DNS? How it works and how to set it up
In a DNS, a zone refers to a specific segment of the domain namespace, such as or, where each segment can be a...
Introducing ManageEngine DDI Central: The key to unlocking the full potential of your critical network infrastructure
Building a future-ready network begins with integrating three core network services: DNS, DHCP, and IPAM, collectively known as DDI, which serves as the heart of network connectivity and...