What better way for Desktop Central to start the new year than with a 2014 Mobile Star Award? How about starting the year with two Mobile...
Desktop Central Now Speaks Your Language!
Yes, you read it right. Desktop Central, your integrated desktop and mobile device management software, just got better! It is now available in Spanish, Turkish,...
Desktop Central Integrates with Help Desk Software Again
Seeing the exponential growth of IT demands in the recent past, haven’t you ever wished that your desktop management and help desk solutions were...
The Winning Dart for Software Deployment
Game on! You are aiming for the bull’s eye. You are ready with a steady stance, placing the fingers at the right positions, and aiming...
Safeguard Your Computers Easily with Desktop Central’s Exclusive Patch Edition
Is your organization focusing on securing its network against operating system and application vulnerabilities to alleviate costs due to potential threats? Then you are perhaps...
Think Before You Wipe: Destroying Mobile Data Is Just One Option for Missing Devices
Modern day organizations provide employees the flexibility to work from anywhere around the office, such as the workstation, cafeteria, or meeting rooms. When employees use...
Find your faulty corporate iPhone 5 devices in no time!
Recently, Apple launched an iPhone recall program for selected devices. According to a statement from Apple, some of the iPhone 5 devices that were sold between September 2012 and...
Remote Control Desktops and Provide Better Support
Ever wondered whether you can run a business without the aid of technology? If your answer is impossible, you’re definitely spot-on! Because, today, almost every business runs on...
Managing Windows Phone Using Desktop Central – Webinar
Mobile devices are an integral part of today’s enterprises. And the Windows Phone operating system is gaining traction in many organizations, making Windows Phone...