CloudSpend’s Zia framework: Top 5 ways to detect cloud cost anomalies

CloudSpend’s Zia framework, powered by AI, is designed to detect any unexpected spikes or irregularities in your cloud expenses. The Zia Anomaly Report aids in...

CloudSpend 3 min read Read

How CloudSpend helps reduce the costs associated with your AWS Spot Instances

In our fast-paced tech world, the need for scalable and budget-friendly cloud resources is unprecedented. AWS is the frontrunner in providing organizations with a wide...

CloudSpend 3 min read Read

Achieving cost-effective scalability: Optimize AWS ELB pricing using CloudSpend

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) is a load balancing service that automatically and evenly distributes incoming traffic from client-side applications across multiple virtual server instances, like...

CloudSpend 7 min read Read

ManageEngine CloudSpend has launched its Reports feature: See what’s new

ManageEngine CloudSpend, a cloud cost management tool, is excited to announce the release of its new, Reports feature. CloudSpend’s Reports feature automates report generation for...

CloudSpend 3 min read Read

AWS ECS pricing optimization: Maximizing cost efficiency with CloudSpend

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is an extremely scalable and high-performing container orchestration solution that allows for the effortless execution, termination, and administration of Docker...

CloudSpend 6 min read Read

Mastering AWS Fargate pricing and optimization with CloudSpend: A comprehensive guide

AWS Fargate is a powerful tool for running containerized workloads on AWS. It’s a serverless compute engine that allows you to run containers and focus...

CloudSpend 5 min read Read

Como fazer uma migração para a nuvem

Muitas empresas querem fazer a migração para a nuvem, e a tendência é que isso continue por muito tempo, visto que não é uma mudança...

CloudDNS , CloudSpend , Portugues 2 min read Read

8 reasons customers choose CloudSpend over native cloud billing tools

FinOps professionals often find it difficult to gain full visibility of cost overruns resulting from cloud wastage. MangageEngine CloudSpend is a cloud cost management tool...

CloudSpend 3 min read Read

CloudSpend mobile application: Manage your cloud costs anywhere and everywhere

ManageEngine CloudSpend is a cloud cost management tool that helps you reduce overhead cloud costs using actionable insights. The CloudSpend mobile application enables users to...

CloudSpend 2 min read Read