No permita que los errores de seguridad echen a perder su Linux. Un mundo sin Linux es difícil de imaginar. Toda búsqueda de Google que realizamos...
ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus simplifies compliance with the CIS Benchmarks
New software and assets introduced into your network are, by default, configured to be multifunctional and convenient to use, but they’re not always the most...
A kernel of truth: Linux isn’t as foolproof as we may have thought
A world without Linux is hard to imagine. Every Google search we run is accomplished on Linux-based servers. Behind the Kindle we enjoy reading, to...
5 razones por las que la gestión de parches y vulnerabilidades integrada mitiga los riesgos de forma rápida y eficiente
La investigación de ESG sobre gestión de riesgos cibernéticos, en la que participaron 340 profesionales de la ciberseguridad, reveló que el 40 por ciento sentía...
5 reasons integrated patch and vulnerability management mitigates risks swiftly and efficiently
ESG research on cyber risk management, which involved 340 cybersecurity professionals, revealed that 40 percent felt tracking patch and vulnerability management over time was their biggest...
Su lista de verificación de seguridad informática para volver a la oficina
La nueva pandemia de COVID-19 ha cambiado la forma en que las organizaciones trabajan. La repentina transición al trabajo remoto ha obligado a las organizaciones...
6 top risk factors to triage vulnerabilities effectively
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores have been viewed as the de facto measure to prioritize vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are assigned CVSS scores ranging from one...
Your return-to-the-office cybersecurity checklist
The novel COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way organizations work. The sudden transition to remote work has forced organizations to look for temporary fixes to bridge...
COVID-19: Remote patch management struggles and solutions to secure remote users
Crisis or not, keeping endpoints patched against known and emerging vulnerabilities remains one of the top challenges IT admins face. With the new work-from-home norm in response to COVID-19, patch...