We all know it happens the exact same way each time. There is a user in a department, or maybe a department of users, that are going to be terminated. The...

Going Deep With Nested Group Audits
It is one of the top three most complex areas of auditing: nested groups! You know, you find a group listed on an access control...

Tracking Down Users with no Logon Script Configuration
When users are created in Active Directory, the logon script configuration often fails to get configured. This can be due to a lack of process, a lack of restraint (i.e.,...
Auditing with Advanced Audit Policy Configuration
Within the confines of the Windows Server environment lies the Group Policy settings, which are the security configuration powerhouses controlling every security event. The legacy...
Automating Privileged Group Modifications in Active Directory
Every single administrator and auditor I know is concerned about privileged groups in Active Directory being changed incorrectly. On the flip side, not one administrator...