I was sitting in an interview in Dubai, UAE, discussing the finer points of Active Directory, provisioning users, user life cycle management, monitoring AD changes,...
AD Admins: Are you prepared for the worst?
One of Aesop’s greatest fables, titled ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’, teaches us a priceless lesson for life – it is best to be prepared...
Active Directory Admins: Someone Has To Work Over Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone reading enjoys too much turkey, ham (my favorite), stuffing (my favorite), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (my favorite), and pie. I...
Auditing vs. Monitoring of Active Directory
I just finished a class where I had both auditors and administrators in attendance. It was one of the best groups I have had for...
Powershell Scripting and Disasters!
So I am at a conference recently in Arizona and an attendee says to me that they used Powershell to update the email address for...
Monitoring of Active Directory Changes Made Easy
There are some things that Microsoft builds into their product that are just amazing, while other things that are just pathetic! When it comes to...
Windows Active Directory Password Policy: Still Misunderstood
I am going to make this short and sweet. I want to not focus on the Password Policy settings and focus just on the deployment...
Real-Time Change Auditing for Windows Active Directory
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus recently announced the addition of real-time change auditing for Windows Active Directory. Available immediately, the new feature provides administrators with real-time email...