Now that summer is over, we are delivering a variety of webinars all geared to increase the security, productivity, and overall stability of your Active...
Adopting a SIEM solution? Here’s what you need to know
Cyberattacks have become an everyday affair, especially with the WannaCry attack and EquiFax breach making headline news recently. You might be asking yourself why cyberattacks have become more...
Use a hybrid Exchange environment? Exchange Reporter Plus has got your back!
Cloud technology is becoming important for most companies, sometimes with entire businesses being run on the cloud. And let’s face it—the cloud has obvious advantages...

Start streamlining GPO management with ADManager Plus
Wise are the administrators who create Active Directory (AD) objects and apply GPOs to them all at once. Even wiser are the administrators who achieve this without...
Ransomware basics: Part 3
Even as I write this, I get the feeling that this blog series is too basic, but with the sheer number of attacks and recent...
Ransomware basics: Part 2
In our first installment, we discussed the importance of backing up your data. Without a good backup, chances are you might never see your data...
Ransomware basics: Part 1
There are many articles on ransomware. Many are trying to convince you that if you buy the products they mention, you can prevent ransomware attacks....

Office 365 help desk delegation with O365 Manager Plus
While Office 365 lets you work from anywhere around the globe, the management features it provides are often insufficient. When an organization is spread across multiple...