How many times have we all seen the password expiration pop-up on our Active Directory workstation and have simply ignored it? We’ve all been there; resetting a soon-to-expire password almost always feels like tomorrow’s...

Tighten Windows security with two-factor authentication
A few decades ago, organizations were content knowing their network resources were password protected. With the increasing number of security breaches and digital crime, being password...

Instantly restore AD objects to any previous version
There are multiple reasons for restoring an Active Directory (AD) object to a previous version, such as a script error, deletion of the object, or...
Unravel security incidents using event correlation [Webinar]
Event correlation helps you wrap your head around the countless number of events going on in your organization. Our upcoming webinar, “Unraveling security incidents using event...

Monitoring service account password changes in Active Directory
Service accounts are dedicated Active Directory (AD) accounts that are used to manage Windows services and other network applications. These accounts have privileged access to applications, resources,...

Provisioning users in an Office 365 environment
Separately provisioning users in Active Directory (AD) and Office 365 is repetitive and inefficient. Other than complex PowerShell scripting, Microsoft doesn’t provide options for provisioning...

Securing zone levels in Internet Explorer
Managing and configuring Internet Explorer can be complicated. This is especially true when users meddle with the numerous settings it houses. Users may even unknowingly...
Webinar: Streamline incident management using SIEM
Organizations deal with several security incidents on a daily basis. Establishing accountability in resolving these incidents is a tough job. From detecting incidents to resolving them,...
Securing and protecting Active Directory and Windows networks webinar series
Recent attacks have proven that additional work needs to be done to secure our Windows environments. Active Directory, servers, users, privileges, vulnerabilities, etc. need to...