Correlating events to identify if they are part of a larger incident or attack is one of the main responsibilities of an IT security analyst....

Device discovery: The path to total network visibility
For an organization to prevent cyberattacks, it first needs complete visibility into all the events that occur within its network. With this visibility, the organization...

[E-book] How to detect and respond to cryptojacking attacks
Did you know that while the world was grappling with the effects of the pandemic, attackers were zealously draining the resources of unsuspecting victims to...

How to automate incident response and increase security maturity [Webinar]
Due to the increase in cyberattacks, security analysts are challenged with multiple alerts every few seconds. It’s a daunting task to not only identify which...

Automated incident response using Log360
Security teams are often overwhelmed with alerts daily, including false positives, and actions that require attention but might be placed on the back burner. But...

How to supercharge your SIEM with the MITRE ATT&CK framework [Webinar]
The non-profit organization, MITRE, formulated the Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) framework in 2013 to help organizations understand the attack pattern of threat actors....

A security analyst’s guide to understanding ransomware: The healthcare edition [E-book]
If you’re an IT security specialist, you’re probably familiar with the overwhelming number of cyberattacks that organizations have faced since the beginning of the pandemic....

Establishing a least privilege environment in healthcare organizations [E-book]
Did you know that by selling a single health record on the dark web, an attacker can get as much as $1,000? It’s no wonder...

The handbook that every cybersecurity analyst needs [E-book]
The IT industry recognizes the drastic increase in cyberattacks in the past few years. With cybercriminals constantly evolving their attack tactics, IT security professionals need...