Often, some or all users in a group need the same attribute updated for a project or some other requirement. But this can be a...
Active Directory: On-the-fly group management
Some of us have huge Active Directory environments, while others have smaller to medium-sized installations. Regardless of size, it can be difficult to find what...
Secure inactive Active Directory users
There is no formula that tells an Active Directory administrator when or how to perform certain actions. Some feel that manual actions are best, while...
Protecting user accounts that never logged in
User accounts that were created yet the user never logged in – such user accounts are a significant security issue for all Active Directory environments....
Delete or disable users who have not logged in
Nearly every Active Directory database has at least one – a user account that was created, but the user never logged in. The reasons why...
Don’t set up the internal attacker
It is 8am Monday morning. You, the Active Directory administrator, receive a stack of papers for the new employees of the week. You proceed to...
Managing photos for Active Directory user accounts
Many organizations want to make working with their employees easier and friendier. One option is to incorporate a photo with the user account. This allows...
Using automation to ensure group membership based on country code
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