Empowering your IT help desk for Active Directory management

Imagine how efficient your help desk would be if it were empowered to deal with IT issues and manage Active Directory (AD) users from a...

ADManager Plus 1 min read Read

Automatically disable users who have never logged in

Most organizations use the same password for each newly created user, so it’s essential to disable — or better, delete — all users who have...

ADManager Plus 2 min read Read

Placing Google users into Active Directory with ease

Many organizations that use Active Directory also use Google for applications and communications. Google has a database for user accounts, which need to be created...

ADManager Plus 1 min read Read

Dynamic group membership based on user properties

When a group fails to contain the correct members, access to resources or to a network application could fail. So, ensuring that group membership is...

ADManager Plus 2 min read Read

Updating Active Directory users in bulk

Do you have user accounts in Active Directory that have incorrect attribute configurations? For example, did someone add the job role to the display name...

ADManager Plus 2 min read Read

Active Directory: On-the-fly bulk user management

Often, some or all users in a group need the same attribute updated for a project or some other requirement. But this can be a...

ADManager Plus 1 min read Read

Active Directory: On-the-fly group management

Some of us have huge Active Directory environments, while others have smaller to medium-sized installations. Regardless of size, it can be difficult to find what...

ADManager Plus 2 min read Read