As you may be aware, the enterprises that deal with public funds are required to comply to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act. Organizations are looking for a single, complete, low-cost, enterprise-wide solution that could take care of all their SOX-compliance needs.
From ManageEngine Password Manager Pro, we are glad to release a white paper titled ‘Ensuring Compliance to Sarbanes-Oxley through Privileged Identity & Information Management‘.
This White Paper discusses the SOX compliance challenges and the problems faced by the IT administrators, who are mandated with the task of ensuring compliance to SOX. It explains how Privileged Identity and Information Management (PIIM) solutions could ensure effective internal controls and serve the enterprise-wide SOX-compliance needs.
Download the white paper from here and let us know if you find it useful.
ManageEngine Password Manager Pro
Enterprise Privileged Identity & Information Management Solution