Author: stefano
A good title can be: “Oracle Monitor of Application Manager caused a query dump on my Oracle Database”.
Application Manage executes some query as SYSDBA user to get your Oracle Database informations and status. One of this query, described below, can cause a dump of itself on database server creating a dump file.
The query is:
Code: |
SELECT d.tablespace_name, SUM(f.phyrds) phyrds, SUM(f.phywrts) phywrts, SUM(f.readtim) readtim, SUM(f.writetim) writetim FROM sys.dba_data_files d, V$filestat f WHERE d.file_id = f.file# GROUP BY d.tablespace_name union SELECT d.tablespace_name, SUM(f.phyrds) phyrds, SUM(f.phywrts) phywrts, SUM(f.readtim) readtim, SUM(f.writetim) writetim FROM sys.dba_temp_files d, V$filestat f WHERE d.file_id = f.file# GROUP BY d.tablespace_name |
This query is the responsible to get tablespace occupations. Remember that if you don’t found in your Oracle probe data about tablespace utilization maybe your occurring in this bug.
Oracle says:
Quote: |
Known Issues:
Bug# 2436600 See Note 2436600.8 OERI:[KTFTHCF-1] possible from V$FILESTAT / DBA_DATA_FILES Fixed:, ORA-600 [ktfthcf-1] can occur if X$KTFTHC is involved in a nested loops join via a proble of the fixed index on KTFTHCTFNO. This can affect queries against V$FILESTAT or DBA_DATA_FILES. Workaround: Change the execution plan (eg: change the join order or join type) |
Don’t try to change query by hands, please contact AdventNet support for a bug fix.
Also remeber that this is a strange bug and not always occurs, so you can run Oracle and have no problems.