Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world and list ways to explore these trends. This week, we’ll look at five areas where 6G technology will spawn rapid digital transformation.
We’re a lucky generation—at least in the sense that we’re living on the precipice of entering the futuristic world we’ve seen in movies and TV shows. With such rapid digital transformation on the horizon, we’re seeing a more connected world with increasing reliance on high-speed internet and better connectivity.
While 5G connectivity really shook things up back in 2019, it’s time to get ready for another shake up in about five years in the form of 6G technology. It’s going to be the next-generation of connectivity, with faster data rates, better security, and more stable connections acting as the nerve center for technological advancements.
In the journey towards achieving 100% digital and smart cities, 6G will provide the perfect platform for unprecedented levels of automation and smart infrastructure, paving the way for hyper-connected cities and industries. By leveraging AI and ML, 6G will drive innovation in multiple industries while building bridges worldwide. Let’s look at five industries that will benefit greatly from 6G connectivity.
1. Smart mobility and autonomous transport
Incredibly, we’re living in the era of self-driving cars. Despite the occasional car crash or periodic stall warning, self-driving technology is here to stay and is poised to create a safer road travel environment. Using the high-speed connectivity that 6G promises, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2I) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication will be highly optimized, improving the flow of traffic, reducing accidents, and creating a hassle-free driving experience.
2. Remote healthcare and smart hospitals
Gone will be the days when people have to fly halfway across the world to get specialized surgery. Telesurgery, already a reality with 5G, will become even more advanced and available with the help of 6G connectivity. 6G will power high resolution medical imaging, facilitating early detection and diagnoses. And, no more frequent hospital visits for patients, as 6G will relay health data to doctors in real time through smart wearables.
3. Space and satellite communications
Remember when the United States president dialed Neil Armstrong in 1969 while he was on the moon? Using 6G technology, space missions can communicate with the earth similarly, but with better connectivity and clarity. Deep space exploration will be more interactive, giving earth-bound viewers a more immersive experience and real-time data. Similarly, satellites will be able to provide high speed internet connectivity to remote and rural parts of the world. The same satellites, powered by AI, will be able to monitor, detect, and relay environmental changes and anomalies to the respective authorities, greatly reducing response time.
4. Quantum communication and cybersecurity
As technology keeps progressing, cyberthreats are also evolving in parallel so much so traditional encryption methods will not be sufficient to protect from quantum computing attacks. 6G is set to revolutionize cybersecurity through quantum-safe cryptography, ensuring the security and privacy of data from advanced attacks. 6G will leverage AI-driven threat detection where massive volumes of data will be analyzed and neutralized in real-time. With 6G technology, business, governments, and end-users can enjoy an advanced level of data security like never before.
5. Hyper-personalized customer experiences
Ever find clothing online that you really like but are unsure of how it’s going to fit? With 6G technology, you’ll be able to try on the outfit virtually, similar to how furniture and other customizable purchases can be visualized in your space through VR experiences. Additionally, with 6G-driven IoT and digital twins, retail brands can track their inventory in real time, making sure they’re always stocked and providing a seamless customer experience.
6G will power the future
Let’s face it—a lot of technological advances are already happening, mostly reliant on internet connectivity, and a powerful network of wireless communication, optimized by AI, is the need of the hour. Expected to launch in 2030, 6G connectivity will usher in a new era of digital transformation like never before, creating a hyper-connected, AI-driven, and ultra-secure new world.