Have your users ever had to worry about a network breach? Have they ever considered what might happen if a fire broke out in your server room? Do they simply take it for granted that the Wi-Fi and printer work without fail, day in and day out?
If everything IT is running smoothly, let’s be real—it’s mostly because you are an awesome sysadmin who takes care of everything!
The entire office would probably fall apart if it weren’t for your heroics, going out of your way to help keep the business afloat.
As a sysadmin, you encounter all sorts of people in your quest to ensure problem-free IT—people like those below, people who make an already challenging job even harder. And if you haven’t encountered them yet, you will.
1. Forgetful Frankie: The one who keeps forgetting their password.
2. Stupid Sid: The one who doesn’t know the difference between the USB port and the charging port.
Despite living in 2016, this user chooses to be technology-averse. They don’t have the slightest idea of how computers work. Trying to understand their problem and explain things can be quite an ordeal.
3. Peeking Peyton: The one who doesn’t comprehend personal space.
This user interrupts the sysadmin in the most inappropriate places for IT support. They have no boundaries, whatsoever.
4. Show-off Sam: The one who thinks they know everything.
These people come for IT support, but use it as an opportunity to flaunt their (often, lack of) knowledge on computers. They try to use every complicated tech term they’ve come across, and jargon is essential. AJAX. SQL. JavaScript. Cloud. Firewall. All this without knowing what a CPU is.
5. Regular Reese: The regular customer.
This user has a dozen issues a day. Everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong. As a result, they ping you all day, every day.
6. Panicky Pat: The one who can’t handle a loading screen.
This user freaks out over everything and goes berserk if their system takes a few extra seconds to boot up. They usually think their system has crashed, when actually all it needs is to be plugged in. Someone call 911!
7. DIY Dorian: The one who takes matters into their own hands.
This user tries to solve any issue on their own. They really do try, but more often than not, they end up making the situation worse.
8. All-of-it Avery: The one who requests all the software that they aren’t going to use.
This user wants every piece of available software installed on their system for “improved productivity.” I mean, come on, do you really need three different operating systems just to write a help manual?
9. Hungry Hayden: The one who eats at their desk (and spills food all over their laptop).
When will they learn that the CD drive is not a cup holder? And eventually, the crumbs of food under the keyboard will prevent work.
10. The one who sets everything on fire.
This user is simply the worst.
I’m sure all of us (including myself) are guilty of being categorized under one (or more) of these types. While password reset requests are frequent, you’d be surprised how often people spill orange juice on their computer!
A big shout out to all our sysadmins for putting up with our shenanigans and staying professional about it. You all rock!
Happy Sysadmin Day 2016 🙂
Join the celebration at https://pitstop.manageengine.com/sysadminday/2016.html.