Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn about the evolution of video conferencing since the 2020 pandemic, the security challenges faced by video conferencing tools, how companies and governments have acknowledged the risks, and the best practices to avoid such attacks.

Five worthy reads : Who let the stranger in? Video conferencing attacks

Illustration by Dhanwant K

Disruptions are inevitable in the digital world. But the 2020 pandemic brought in countless more digital disruptions, and the rising need for video conferencing easily lands in the top five. No one expected that we would be forced to celebrate birthday parties, attend school classes, take piano lessons, and hold endless other events in a video conferencing app.

This disruption was comparatively not a rough ride for the digital workforce as they were already using video conferencing in their day-to-day work, but the challenge emerged when they began connecting from their homes and other unsecured networks. Since this was the lifeline for the hybrid and fully remote workforce, attackers jumped on this platform as the medium to exploit.

Video conferencing has seen a time line of evolution since the 2020 pandemic including the attacks around it. Here are five recent articles that talk in depth about video conferencing attacks, their severity, and the best practices to overcome them.

  1. The needed evolution of videoconferencing

The need for video calls saw a steep rise due to the sudden lockdowns in 2020. Communications with friends, family, and colleagues were done only via video conferencing, and this blog briefs about the evolution of this technology from the 1980s, ’90s, and 2000s, and the solutions needed today.

  1. How Video Conferencing Security Works

Eighty-four percent of the world’s population are using smartphones, and most of them will be using video conferencing as it’s become part and parcel of life. As video conferencing platforms have seen a rise in attacks since the 2022 lockdown, it’s important to be aware of the security architecture of these platforms. Check out this article to learn the basics of video conferencing security on phone networks.

  1. Zoom security issues: What’s gone wrong and what’s been fixed

Among the many video conferencing tools, Zoom was the most ubiquitous of the pandemic era. It’s no secret the company has had ups and downs due to security breaches. This article details the dozens of security and privacy challenges Zoom has faced and how they’ve overcome.

  1. Are Businesses Putting Their Data And Users At Risk Each Time They Use Video Conferencing?

A cyberattack is just news until it happens to us. The impact of attacks on video conferencing tools has become a trending topic in the cybersecurity world. This article captures an interview with a cybersecurity expert and what they think about the risks of modern video conferencing.

  1. Guidance For Securing Video Conferencing

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released advisory guidance for securing video conferencing. With principles and actionable tips, it is a must read for every enterprise and individual using video conferencing tools.


The digital miscreants will always find a new way to do crime, and we are in an era of video conferencing attacks. But cybersecurity experts, video conferencing tools, and governments are working out how to be resilient against these. However, security measures will only be successful when every individual takes ownership of their cyber hygiene. Be vigilant, stay updated, and just make sure you don’t let the strangers hijack your video calls.