Sometimes life can be pointless, and other times, it might just be that your network has stopped working, and now you have too much time to ponder the true purpose of life. If you are in that second situation, let’s get that network fixed before you start regretting your life choices.

Troubleshooting is a repetitive yet rigorous process where you analyze and test individual network components like a chef checking every ingredient before cooking up a delicious dish. After all, nobody wants to serve a half-baked server.

Why is network troubleshooting important?

Network troubleshooting is crucial because it helps IT managers understand what’s going wrong in the network, reduce downtime, and enhance the quality of service for users. Let’s face it—no one enjoys a slow connection. Now, you’ve got the tools and the wit. All you need is the right blog on how to tackle that network like a pro—or at least like a semi-pro with a decent internet connection. That’s what we are here for.

1. Check the hardware

First, let’s check your hardware. Make sure everything is connected and turned on. If a cable is loose, it’s basically saying, “I’m on a break.” Also, if your router has been switched off, it might just be taking a vacation in Cabo. Don’t bother diving deeper if all you need is a good old-fashioned re-plugging. Moreover, for the love of Wi-Fi, ensure all the switches are in the right positions.

2. Use ipconfig

Open Command Prompt and type ipconfig. The Default Gateway listed last is your router’s IP. Your computer’s IP address will follow. If it starts with 169, your computer is getting less attention. Anything else, then congratulations, your computer is finally getting some love from the router.

Try typing ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew. Think of it as giving your IP a spa day—seriously, it’s going to feel fabulous. If it still doesn’t work, plug your computer straight into the modem with an Ethernet cable. If that works, you’ve found the router’s fault.

3. Perform a DNS check

Use the command nslookup to see if there’s a problem with the server you’re trying to reach. If you type in and get timed out, it’s either your internet or Google’s server that has decided to take an unscheduled nap. You can also use nslookup to interrogate your own DNS server.

4. Verify the network configuration

I know you’re eager to start with your computer, but let’s make sure it has a valid IP address first; without this, it’s just a fancy paperweight. Check the IP configuration using ipconfig (on Windows) or ifconfig (on Linux or macOS) to check your network configuration (if you have one). Type ipconfig /all on Windows to see everything from your IP address to your DNS server’s life story. For Linux and macOS, ifconfig or ip a will show you who’s connected and who’s not. If your device is still confused, it might be time for a talk—or a reset.

Check the subnet mask and gateway: Ensure your subnet mask and default gateway are set correctly so your device can communicate beyond its immediate circle.

Check the DNS settings: If you can ping local IPs but not websites, your DNS might need a tune-up. Try using Google’s public DNS ( to help your device find its way online.

5. Test with a different device

Sorry, it’s not you; it’s the device. If possible, save yourself and try testing network connectivity on a different device. This can help you determine if the issue is with the device or the network itself.

6. Check for IP conflicts

If two devices are playing the same tune and sharing an IP address, it’s bound to create some serious drama. Use arp -a [suspected duplicate IP] on Windows or just arp on Linux or macOS to uncover who’s stepping on whose toes in your local network.

Use this command: Type arp -a to see the party lineup of IP-to-MAC address mappings. If you’re using DHCP, make sure your devices are configured to use DHCP for automatic IP assignment—unless you’re into the static vibe, in which case, you do you.

7. Measure the network bandwidth and latency

Run a speed test: Use online tools like Speedtest to see if your internet speed is living up to the hype or if it’s all talk and no action.

Now go forth and troubleshoot like the network pro you are.