Spotlighting industry leaders who are pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity, these awards showcase innovative solutions that drive the future of the field. Now in its...
Search results for: log360
Log360 wins 2023 Fortress Cybersecurity Award
The Fortress Cybersecurity Award program highlights and rewards creative thinking, engineering, people, and projects that take on the growing threat of digital security and protection....
Potencie su proveedor de servicios de seguridad gestionados con Log360 Cloud MSSP
En el entorno digital actual, la ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una necesidad. La ubicuidad de las amenazas digitales y su constante evolución exigen blindar...
Analyse des journaux : Plongez dans ses profondeurs avec Log360 de ManageEngine
L’analyse des journaux est devenue un élément crucial pour les organisations à l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui afin d’assurer la sécurité et le fonctionnement transparent de leur...
ManageEngine Log360 nombrado Challenger en el informe ASOM de GigaOm Radar
ManageEngine Log360 fue presentado en el informe GigaOm Radar sobre Gestión de Operaciones de Seguridad Automatizada (ASOM), publicado en octubre de 2022 y escrito por...
ManageEngine Log360 cité dans le rapport GigaOm Radar sur la gestion automatisée des opérations de sécurité (ASOM)
Log360 de ManageEngine a été évoqué dans le rapport GigaOm Radar sur la gestion automatisée des opérations de sécurité (ASOM), publié en octobre 2022 et...
ManageEngine Log360 named in GigaOm radar report on automated security operations management (ASOM)
ManageEngine Log360 was featured in the GigaOm Radar report on Automated Security Operations Management (ASOM), published in October 2022 and written by Logan Andrew Green....
Year in review: ManageEngine Log360’s analyst recognition from 2022
Cyberattacks have intensified over the last few years as threat actors are always improvising their game plan to carry out new and sophisticated methods. Concepts...
Resposta automatizada a incidentes usando o Log360
As equipes de segurança geralmente são sobrecarregadas com alertas diários, incluindo falsos positivos e ações que exigem atenção, mas podem ser colocadas em segundo plano....